Take your next step with ABCD Grow

At Hope, we believe that Christianity does not stop when you come to know Jesus.
Every believer can become a disciple through ABCD Grow.

The ABCD Journey

Take the next step to be a disciple and disciple-maker through ABCD - Acknowledge, Belong, Contribute and Disciple. 
Jesus as Lord and Saviour
Step A is where you make a decision to invite Jesus into your life and have a personal relationship with Him. At this step, you acknowledge Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour.
to a Local Church
Belonging to the Local Church is to regularly make time to join services and life groups. As individuals, we seek after God by reading His Word, praying and worshipping. We declare our faith in Christ through water and Holy Spirit baptism. Believers are also invited to become members of the local church they are in.
to God's work
Contributing is a way to express our love for God and His people. We contribute by investing our time, talents and treasure to build God's church. Make time to be equipped as a contributor through our Contribute class and serve with excellence!
Others to Follow Jesus
Participate in the Great Commission to disciple others to follow Jesus. As you mature in your faith, you can begin making disciples by mentoring another believer. You can also serve God as a Life Group Leader.

How do we Grow?

As we take the next step in ABCD, we believe that every believer should GROW to be more like Jesus in every season. We want to help one another to grow as disciples, whatever ABCD step we are in.

We can Grow through Mentoring, Courses and Resources.

The Grow learning path aims to enrich your discipleship journey by suggesting suitable topics, resources and classes for believers at each ABCD step. This is not a checklist where you have to complete every item before going to the next ABCD step. Instead, use this as a guide if you need suggestions on what you can grow in.